

Hand, foot, and mouth disease is common in children under 5 years old, but anyone can get it even older children and adults may be affected. It is caused by Enterovirus genus, most commonly, strains of Coxsackievirus A6 & A16.

Mode of Transmission

Hand, foot, and mouth disease spreads easily through

Signs and Symptom

Consult a doctor in case any signs and symptoms appear.

Prevention and Control

Hand, foot, and mouth disease is very contagious. There is no vaccine to protect against the viruses that cause
hand, foot, and mouth disease.

A person can lower their risk of being infected by following the steps:

Prevention Guidelines given by MoHFW

Right Method of Washing Hands

How to you use hand sanitizers?

If the outbreak occurs in primary schools

Ensure that the infected children remain away from the institution for at least ten days after onset of symptoms and must be certified free from infection by a registered medical practitioner prior to returning to school.

Sources: cdc.gov, ncdc.gov.in, mohfw.gov.in

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