Coming to school, wishing our teachers, going for the prayers, then starting with the subject – a routine that you follow daily sticks with you for years to come. What if we teach our little children to start their day with good habits stacked one after another in their routine? What impact would that have on them?
A routine is a set of actions that we perform daily in a specific order. Routine helps set time stamps helping to approach learning holistically. Dedicating the right amount of time for different activities including learning, play, and rest, can enhance a child’s early development. Following a structured routine in preschool helps kids develop cognitive, social, and emotional skills. Let’s read about how a structured routine helps kids in detail.
Benefits of structured routine for kids
1. Enhances learning and development
Having a fixed play school routine and dedicating a small amount of time to each aspect of learning helps the little one emerge as an all-rounder. As the famous saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Your little one can become a brilliant guy if learned in small batches, giving equal time to play and rest. A holistic routine helps improve concentration level and focus, enhancing learning and development.
2. Helps building habit
Did you know that it takes 21 days to build a habit? A child can develop good habits by including good values in the preschool routine and learning. Kids are just like clay, you can mould them how you want. Good habits inculcated in early stages become a part of their personality and behaviour. Add reading, organizing toys, eating healthy, brushing their teeth, etc. to their daily routine to help them develop good habits.
3. Gives a sense of stability & security
Little kids thrive on routine as it removes the fear of uncertainty. Preschool routine helps kids know what to expect and they look forward to going to school to experience the fun activities they do every day. Scheduled tasks give them a sense of security and stability. Doing their everyday activities with them also helps to calm down their anxiety and make them feel relaxed.
4. Fosters independence & confidence
People think a routine binds the kid in a fixed structure but instead of that, routine gives them independence. Kids are smart enough to identify the patterns of their daily routines. By practicing the daily tasks kids start doing them on their own. They learn when to get up early, brush their teeth, tie shoelaces, etc. Preschool learning with routine boosts kids’ confidence as they learn to do their tasks with less supervision or help.
5. Time management for holistic development
Time management skills are hard to learn, even adults struggle with it. However, preschool learning with routine can help your little one develop this basic, yet crucial skill from a very young age. Kids learn the value of time by allocating a specific time for each activity. Guide your kid to complete their tasks in time because it is as important to stick to these timelines as well as it is to make it.
Key components of daily routine for preschoolers
A good morning routine helps set the tone for the rest of the day. Start the day with full energy to keep kids active throughout the day. Welcome kids with high-fives or fist bumps, showing enthusiasm. Schools that know the importance of routine in preschool always plan some morning recharge activities.
Get set for learning with a fresh mood. Study is the most important part of the daily routine for preschoolers. Each day is an opportunity to learn something new and amazing. Make the most of this time, and plan fun learning activities that kids enjoy. Remember to break this into segments, like 25 minutes of learning and a 5-minute break.
This is the kid’s favourite time of the day. After the learning session, kids would be looking out for a fun time. Let them do whatever they want, get along with their peers, and make friends.
Delicious healthy meals to keep the energy up and little kids running throughout the day. Give them enough time to have lunch and relax so that they can focus better. Encourage them to choose healthier options like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins.
Nap time is important for little kids. It is suggested that they take 1 to 2 hours of afternoon nap every day. It improves the kid’s mood, behaviour, attention span, and learning power.
Outdoor play or any engaging indoor games or activity to re-energize the kid. It is much needed for a kid post-engagement to avoid them from getting irritated or cranky.
A relaxing evening routine to wind down after a long day of playing and learning. A bath, storytime, or reading time to calm them down and make them ready for a good night’s sleep.
Routines are not just to keep kids busy all day but they are an effective way to develop good values in them. A structured routine in preschool helps kids develop good habits and important skills like cognitive, social, and emotional stability. While you help them follow the routine, ensure that they enjoy it all. Beansprouts, the best play school in Gurgaon does it perfectly by building a strong foundation for a successful future ahead. Remember to stay flexible with the routine to match your kid’s needs and requirements. The most important part is to keep them happy.
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