A Parent’s Handbook to Understanding Personality Traits in Children
Have you ever noticed how some children love chirping all day, while others love to play sports and games? Some are very keen and curious about their surroundings and have different questions popping up in their tiny heads.
Each child is unique, born with different quirky traits. They all are gifted with some special qualities. These differentiated qualities become a part of the personality traits in children. Each kid according to their personality needs special nurturing from childhood. It helps shape their gifts into polished talent and determines what kind of person they will become.
A 1960s research study of approximately 2,400 ethnically diverse school children found that the personality traits observed in children as young as first graders strongly affected their adult behaviour. Life is not one size fits all, and so is parenting. It is important to understand the different personality traits in children and guide them accordingly.
Understanding a child’s personality gives a deep insight that helps you make a roadmap for your little one’s learning journey. A child’s personality includes likes, dislikes, temperament, social skills, emotional intelligence, hobbies, and behavioural patterns. Wondering how to shape a child’s personality? Let’s dive into major children’s personality types and find your little one’s personality traits so you can nurture them accordingly.
4 Major types of personality among kids
Choleric describes the personality type of the ‘hero kid.’ They are the star performer who is always given as an example to other kids. A choleric child’s personality is highly competitive. They are full of energy and very passionate about the things they love. Think about the topper kid from your school – always wanting to be the winner, highly motivated, confident, and doing what it takes to be the star performer.
Choleric kids are strong-willed, determined, and adventurous. They take their interests very seriously, whether it’s a class project, sports, or any extracurricular activity. They try their best to excel in everything. They have natural leadership qualities, but sometimes they get too attached to the results that it affects them emotionally.
Child personality and early education are the key for parents with choleric children. Early education and preschool personality development will teach them humility and self-control. Make them realize that the real win is not about scoring high in assessments but experiencing and learning the valuable lessons that help people win in real life.
Sanguine describes the personality type of the ‘favourite kid’. Some kids are just like morning sunshine, making people’s faces bloom with happiness and they come across them. A sanguine child personality is very social. They are very talkative and friendly. Remember there’s always a kid around the block who everyone loves, people look forward to talking or spending time with them. They are so fun and comfortable to be around.
Generally, they are very carefree and optimistic, but since they are used to being around people, they need constant attention and affection. They easily get bored and need something to entertain them. They are well-liked by everyone, but this can turn them into people-pleasers. They find it hard to set boundaries and deal with conflicting situations.
You can support your sanguine child by helping him set boundaries and learn a healthy way to deal with conflict. Preschool personality development will enhance their personality. As they love having fun, preschool will allow them to indulge in play-based learning methods and help them learn, enjoy, and grow simultaneously.
Empathetic describes the personality type of the ‘perfectionist kid’. They are respectful and careful. An empathetic child’s personality is as social and adventurous as other personality types but pleasant and helpful. Some kids are just curious about everything around them, they observe each thing very carefully, go into the details, and keep asking questions like – why leaves fall, where the rainbow comes from, why we can’t see the moon in the morning, etc.
Empathetic kids are very sensitive and experience things deeply. They sometimes get too logical which can hinder the perspective about life. Parents should understand the importance of personality development and encourage their little ones to come out of their bubbles. Sometimes it is better to be flexible and let things be if they don’t go as planned.
Phlegmatic describes the personality type of the ‘happy in themselves kids’. They are calm and collected. A Phelgemic child’s personality is easygoing. They are the conventional nice kids who eat well, sleep well, don’t cry, and easily adjust to different situations. Mothers often give examples of these phlegmatic kids to their little ones.
They are humorous and love to have fun. Engaging in different games and hobbies keeps them, entertained. Unlike kids who need constant company, guidance, or appreciation, these stay content just being themselves.
If your kid is a phlegmatic personality type, try to boost their confidence and make them active. Engage in open and effective communication and appreciate them every chance you get.
Since no two kids are alike, their parenting and learning styles require different treatment. It requires a lot of communication, bonding, observation and study to find the hidden talents of the little ones. Beansprouts, among the best pre-nursery schools in Gurgaon, approach learning according to the different personality traits in children. They use innovative teaching methods to make each kid blossom in their own way. Let’s promote our child’s personality development by appreciating their unique quirks and shaping their talents.